

I created this blog to document the sights of our boating season
for our family and friends to follow.

Enjoy the tour.

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Just another day in ...

Today was more perfect than yesterday, if that was even possible.

I slept in a bit and left the marina about 7:00 am to a welcoming lake.

I think my 30 footer can handle that kind of sea condition.  Not even a breath of air as the sun rose over the islands.

At this point, I didn't really care too much about the fishing, I just wanted to take a cruise.  Off toward Mackinac Island I went, passing the harbor.

I set lines a little east of the island.

Seems I've learned the secret to lake trout fishing, I caught two together on one rod.

There was a massive slick of bugs hatching on the water.

I trolled in and out of that stuff hoping to find a steelhead or salmon feeding near the surface.

All I found were fat, happy sea gulls.

I gave up about 10:00 am and headed back to port via the Round Island Passage.

It's supposed to be another stellar day tomorrow.  I'll have to try to get a little earlier start and maybe find one of those early morning salmon...or maybe not.

It's a game day decision.

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