

I created this blog to document the sights of our boating season
for our family and friends to follow.

Enjoy the tour.

Saturday, June 27, 2015

Guess what?  No more Lone Ranger...Tonto is here this weekend.

We ambled up I-75 Thursday afternoon arriving at the marina early evening.  Without much time to settle in, it was time for a hike.  Just another reason it is SO nice having Kathy here.  We walked along the shore at the water tower park which was closed all last year.

Same view, different park.

Friday morning offered a scenic sunrise over a glass calm lake.

I set lines in the water a little east of the bridge.

Within minutes, I hooked and landed a nice steelhead.

I peaked early as that was the only action I had.  We continued north along the St. Ignace shoreline.

Keeping the midge flies at bay.

We gave up mid-morning once the Island ferry boats began to run.  We were in an area that they traverse so it's a little irritating to us and probably them as well.

On to the afternoon project.  If/when we take our northern cruise, I wanted a platform of some type out of the cockpit that I can run a propane stove and grill on.  This is the result.

It seems to work well and the support folds up for storage so it's only a few inches thick.

Saturday morning was a repeat performance.  The sunrise was similar.

The fishing was the same.  Hooked a fish on the same lure in nearly the same spot but ended up losing it.  Oh well.  Just a fish I didn't have to clean :-)

Lots of commercial traffic today to keep me entertained and on guard.  First encounter was the "Saginaw"

Which met the "Presque Isle" at the bridge.

before passing me.

We continued west this morning under the bridge looking for fish...

but only finding those darn midge flies...EVERYWHERE on EVERYTHING.

on the floor

on the cabin

on the radar

even on the fishing lines.

Those things are really annoying.

Anyway, we continue west on a flat morning lake.

Passing a few more freighters. The tug and barge Victory...

passes the Mesabi Miner...

which was followed up by the Joseph Block to complete today's parade of ships.

One other sight we had this morning was a swimmer crossing the Straits.  He swam from the north shore to the south and had to time the crossing to miss all the boat traffic.  There was a boat assisting the swimmer and the coast guard had issued a marine advisory regarding the swimmer.  Last we saw, the guy was about 3/4 of the way across so we're assuming he made it.

An afternoon craft show and listening to a little music entertainment on the Crossing stage filled out the afternoon.  A choral group from Vietnam is entertaining tonight in the park band shell.

Busy, busy, busy.

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