

I created this blog to document the sights of our boating season
for our family and friends to follow.

Enjoy the tour.

Sunday, June 21, 2015

Here I am again, the Lone Ranger aboard the Miss No Fish.

I came up Thursday afternoon with the forecast of a calm Friday.  That materialized so I trolled out under the bridge and west for a few miles looking for salmon.  Didn't find any.

That picture is actually from a couple weeks ago, but that's what it looked like again.  If nothing else, it was a great day just to be on the lake.

The early morning activity drained me on Friday.  This retiree isn't used to getting out of the sack at sunrise, especially when sunrise occurs about 5:00 am.  So I got my beauty sleep Saturday morning and did a few chores.

The big accomplishment was to replace the "Mackinaw City" graphic on the transom.

For some reason, when I ordered the original a couple years ago, I ordered a different font style.  This matches the boat name font.  Not that it really matters, but it's all about looking good.

Across the fairway, a sail boater was having a lot more fun than I was.

Looks like there was an issue with the wind direction indicator.

It would only be natural that the item that fails is 50 feet in the air.  Murphy's Law.

So I did a few chores, and then the rain moved in.

Nothing too heavy but just enough to spoil any outdoor activity.  It got a little breezy and cool too.

With all the sleep on Saturday, I was ready to give the morning lake another try.  A beautiful morning it was, as I trolled east toward Bois Blanc Island.

With the bridge in the prop wash.

I had a few lines (I'm only allowed three) in the water...

...as the sun broke over the cloud bank to the east.

As I motored south, the freighter Federal Mackinac passed.

and sailed away under the bridge.

Within minutes, what I'll assume is a sister ship appeared.  The Federal Lela.

That was the excitement of the morning.  As I hinted, there were no fish to catch today...surprise, surprise.  I did see some on the sonar on a couple occasions so we're making progress.  Just have to get one to chase a lure.

Now for the rest of the story.  I'm not sure what it is about northern Michigan, but enough with the bug hatches.  This morning seemed to be the triple play.


Midge Flies.

and what I guess are common house flies of some sort.

All that more or less covered the exterior of the boat this morning.  Hopefully, we're about through with all the hatches up here.  Fortunately, it was a lake event and the marina doesn't seem to be affected too much.

and so it goes.

Planning is underway for the summer boat trip.  Just need to find summer.

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