

I created this blog to document the sights of our boating season
for our family and friends to follow.

Enjoy the tour.

Sunday, January 19, 2014

This winter project is progressing oh so slowly.  Every little step has been filled with issues while I try to figure out how to attach the frame to the sides.  Maybe I'll have this thing done in time for my estate sale.

I needed to mill a tongue and groove joint in the frame pieces for assembly and to accept dust panels.  I picked up some feather boards to help with that cut.

I should have bought a set of those years ago.  It made keeping the stock pinned against the fence a cinch.  I needed a consistent groove so it was important to keep the stock in position through the cut.

The tongues were cut on the ends of the cross frame supports.

And I have the frame set up to the end panel.  Just need to figure out how to fasten all this together.  The intention is to use dowels.  I'll give it a try and see how it works out on the first frame assembly

A road trip is on the schedule for next week, followed by a little off season boating.

Sunday, January 5, 2014

To paraphrase the Who,

Meet the new year...same as the old year!  Old man winter has a grip on Michigan.  Ice, then cold, then snow, then more snow, then more snow, then...

The snow is falling at a rate of about an inch an hour.  We're promised a good foot on top of the foot that was already on the ground.  On the positive side, there should be plenty of water to float the boat in May.

A bit more progress to report on the dresser project.

I'm using plywood for the interior framing because it will be more stable that solid hardwood.  A few pieces of the frame will be exposed, so I glued an oak cap to those pieces.

I bought a new trim router to handle this type of trim job as opposed to a large tool.  I found the trim router to be much easier to handle but it does need just a little larger base.

I finished the edge trimming and completed the cutting of all the base framing stock.

These parts are all assembled with tongue and groove joints.  Creation of those features is the next step.

In the meantime, I'll be shoveling snow.

Ultimate Fishing Show next weekend.  2014 boat launch is a mere 18 weeks away.  Ugh!