

I created this blog to document the sights of our boating season
for our family and friends to follow.

Enjoy the tour.

Thursday, July 9, 2015

Tuesday was a non-boating day as expected but we had an interesting evening wining and dining with other boaters on the dock.

Wednesday was a different story.  We awoke to calm waters and clear skies once again.

On a last minute decision, I decided to alter our plan and head to a place we had not visited before...Long Point Cove.  It's a secluded little cove a east of Blind River and a 30 minute ride away.

We wound our way through the scattered islands and shoals into the eastern sun.

We arrived to discover what has to be one of the prettiest spots on the planet.  Long Point Cove.

It was here, that we received word of my father's passing.  It somehow seemed like the place to be if we couldn't be with him.  This was certainly a place he would have enjoyed.  Nothing but nature here.

Waters were calm, so with the news, we decided to make the 4 hour cruise back to Mackinaw City.

So this trip ends today.

There will be others.

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