

I created this blog to document the sights of our boating season
for our family and friends to follow.

Enjoy the tour.

Monday, July 6, 2015

Day 2…Sunday

This was the first day on the water.  Today’s plan was to make the open water run across northern Lake Huron and spend the night anchored at the Harbor Island cove.

So after a night filled with explosions...

...we awoke to a perfectly still morning.

There was a VERY hazy sun rising over Shepler’s.

So we did a few things before heading out to let some of the haze burn off.  About 9:00 am, we were headed out the harbor entrance, looking at a calm Lake Huron.

Kathy was busy stowing all our lines from the slip in Mackinaw City (the yacht races will occur while we’re away and there’s no telling what might be left at the slip after that group blows through, so we took all our stuff off the slip).

And we bid Mackinaw City farewell.

Kathy shed a tear or two as we passed Mackinac Island without stopping.

She says we’ll have to make another visit in August.  The August calendar is kind of full so that might be a problem.

We continued along the SE Upper Peninsula coast on a glass calm lake…

…passing the Martin Reef light.  That’s one we haven’t seen before.  I noticed it had the usual flock of resident cormorants lining the base.

We motored up the DeTour channel and stopped in to top off the fuel tanks before we head into Canada.

I can only assume the cost of fuel in Canada will be a dollar or so more than here in the USA.  It always is.

Finished with fueling, we left the DeTour harbor …

…and made a course for our Harbor Island destination located in Potagannissing Bay near Drummond Island.

There were fishing boats everywhere near the little islands.  I’m guessing the cisco run might be on.  That’s a type of whitefish.  I was tempted to give that a try, but the breeze was a bit stiff this afternoon to bother with all the fuss of setting up the inflatable for a couple hour event.

We entered Harbor Island through the natural channel that is maybe 300 yards wide…

…and dropped anchor for the night.

Eventually, a few other boats pulled in for the night.

There were always a few smaller boats in the harbor that pulled in to fish for a while, then left.  Never saw anyone catch a fish.  That entire harbor is a bit shallow and weedy.  There are probably better places to find fish in that area.

As I post this, we are sitting in a slip in Blind River, Ontario.  

More to that story in the next edition.

Stay tuned.

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