

I created this blog to document the sights of our boating season
for our family and friends to follow.

Enjoy the tour.

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

It's been a while.

A few weeks of personal matters to tend to put boating way down the list of priorities.  The latest event was tooth implant surgery.  I'm recovering from that "fun" and still in a semi-drugged state.

But now for the good news, we're back at the helm.  Arrived Sunday and took the boat for a 3 mph cruise Monday morning on a nice "fishing chop".

Action was slow, but Kathy was in her "aggressive" fish finding mode at the helm.

Maybe there's a reason we spend more time fishing and less time catching.

Did I say action was slow?  Let me be a little more specific, these are sterile waters it seems.  There was no action.

So as the morning progressed, the tug Zeus passed and was the only commercial traffic of the morning.

We used to see that tug in Ludington quite often.

The afternoon was spent trying to stay cool in the 90° heat and humidity.

Tuesday morning started a little earlier.

No fishing chop today.

As the sun silhouettes the Round Island Light some 5 or 6 miles away...

we make another 3 mph run toward the west...

in a quest for the elusive king salmon...or any other living/swimming creature.

All we found were bugs.  This part of Michigan seems to have two seasons, winter and bugs.  Today's treat was a few midge flies and a billion gnats.

So after the "Intrepid Canada" passed...

I pulled lines and headed back to the marina for "debugging".

According to reports, fishing is slow everywhere.  That's not too unusual for July but I think the salmon fishery in the Great Lakes is in a world of hurt.  There are fish to be caught, but not the numbers of past years.

Time will tell.  Hopefully, August will bring a few fish this direction.  Until then, I'll have to be happy with the boating part of it all.

Time for a swim.

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