

I created this blog to document the sights of our boating season
for our family and friends to follow.

Enjoy the tour.

Monday, July 6, 2015

Day 3 Monday.

The first couple days here haven't gone exactly to plan.  Night #1 was the 4th, so sleeping was out of the question for quite some time.  Night #2 was to be a peaceful evening anchored in a quiet harbor.  It didn't happen quite that way.  About dusk, our anchor broke free in the breeze.  It had held us for several hours but had not been adequately set apparently.  So, we had to go through that whole process when I should have been crawling into the sack.  On top of that, then you don't feel real good about waking up washed up on shore.  So sleep wasn't all that good night #2 either.

The forecast called for increasing wind and storms late Monday so we got up early and didn't waste any time leaving our "secure" anchorage at Harbor Island.

We wound our way through the islands and shoals of Potagannissing Bay...

Finally finding the open water of the North Channel.  Blind River, Ontario was the destination about 40 miles to the east.

The first hour of travel was quite comfortable.  A bit past the halfway point, the waves began to build a little.

I was still able to maintain a good cruise speed near 25 mph since it was a beam sea and didn't pound the boat at all.

By 9:00 am we had arrived at the Blind River marina and secured the boat at a slip on pier B.

This is home for the next day or two while the nasty weather passes.  It's a nice little marina that offers a lot considering the town isn't much of anything.

There's a ship store, laundry, shower rooms, lounge and restaurant all at the head of the docks...It's a bit of a trek to use the restrooms here.  They're in the red roofed buildings in the background.

With the boat all secured, the boat registered with the marina and cleared with Canadian Customs, it was time for me to catch up on two nights of limited sleep.  A two hour nap did the trick...oh, and that was after we walked the mile to the non existent town and back.

After a visit with some of the other boaters here, we cooked some dogs on the grill as the skies to the west got heavier.

It should be awesome sleeping tonight as the boat rocks with the wave surge entering the harbor.

It is a bit on the choppy side outside the harbor.  It was a good decision to make the move early this morning.

Tomorrow is scheduled to be a down day due to weather.  The highlight of the day will likely be a trip to the LCBO to shop for necessities.

Time to catch a few more hours of sleep.  I'm still a little shy of my normal 8 hour sessions.

Until the next time...

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