

I created this blog to document the sights of our boating season
for our family and friends to follow.

Enjoy the tour.

Saturday, March 1, 2014

That's what I'm talking about!

Assembled the dresser frame this morning.  Kathy ventured into the shop to assist with the gluing and clamping.  Amazingly enough, we're still on good terms.  Anyway, we got it all put together.

This is as large a cabinet as I've made.  I had to make some extensions for the pipe clamps to add a couple feet of length.

I was "tapping" the panels into position and forgot to move my finger once.

Believe me, it didn't happen twice.  The knuckle is a bit swollen, but I'll live.

After drying a couple hours the clamps came off and wonder of wonders, this thing is dead nuts square.

Added a few pieces for drawer dividers, and the exterior part of the case is complete.  Ready for finish sanding.

So, after a slow start, like 3 months, this project is taking shape.  Next up, drawer guides.

Launch day...10 weeks and counting.

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