

I created this blog to document the sights of our boating season
for our family and friends to follow.

Enjoy the tour.

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Daylight Savings Time...and what's this?

Yup, that's an icicle and that means it's been thawing for the first time in three months.  Must be all that extra daylight we have today.  There is still a couple feet of snow on the ground so boating remains a day or two away.

So, on the the project report.

I decided I want to use half blind dovetails for the drawer construction which is a style I haven't done on the Leigh Jig before, so I took a couple scrap pieces and did a quick set-up to see if I have the technique straight.

That'll work. So on to planing down the drawer stock to finished thickness.

And rough cutting to length.

Which results in a pile of lumber.

Some assembly required.

Next step is to finish stock to width and length prior to dovetailing.

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