

I created this blog to document the sights of our boating season
for our family and friends to follow.

Enjoy the tour.

Sunday, March 16, 2014

After a couple weeks of nursing a chest cold, I got out of the house and drove over near Grand Rapids to a salmon fishing seminar.  It should help me catch a few more fish because a hundred or more just doesn't seem like enough.

It was an informative event and I came away with a goodie bag full of "stuff" given away at the seminar.

So today, the challenge was to set up the dovetail jig and get some drawers built.  I don't use the jig very often so every time is an all new learning experience.

Step 1 is to set up the side to machine the tails.

Cut the tails.

Then, set up to cut the pins on the facing board.

Cut the pins.

Put it together and...

ALMOST!  Just a little bit of an offset.

So, 13 tries.

And on the 14th, I think we're there.


Only 27 more corners to cut.  It really isn't that difficult, but it took a while for me to figure out just what the key datum was to line up on the pieces.  Once I had that down, it only to a couple tries to zero in on a good joint.

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