

I created this blog to document the sights of our boating season
for our family and friends to follow.

Enjoy the tour.

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Well, this is now Wednesday and surprise, surprise...it's blowing a gale.  I'll have to say, we've really had to stay on top of the weather this year to make this all happen.  There's been some nice weather, but every couple days, conditions turn to crap for us "fair weather" boaters.

We sat an extra day in Killarney because of forecast winds.  It was never too terrible in Killarney, but further west I think it was a bit breezy yesterday and the possibility of strong storms made us stay put.  Better safe than sorry.

It looked like there was a window of opportunity to move this morning, so we made tracks quite early to traverse the northern shore of Manitoulin Island, a trip of about 40 miles.

Leaving Killarney the winds were calm and a bit of a fog capped the western hills.

Out into the lake and approaching the Landsdowne Channel that we navigated through a few days earlier, on a table top kind of lake.

Geez, I love running the boat on that stuff.

We motor through the channel...

and out into the lake again approaching the Strawberry Island light...

and the approach to Little Current and the swing bridge.

It was about 8:15 am which meant had we needed to wait for a bridge opening, we would have to wait another 45 minutes as the bridge opens on the hour.  My boat clears by about 5 feet so we continued under the bridge and into the Little Current channel.

We noticed there was the cruise ship "Victory 1" in the port.  I looked and those Great Lakes cruises are quite costly.  At least double what a Caribbean cruise would cost, but then they're much smaller ships.  I believe it sails between Montreal, Quebec and Chicago.

We also noted our friends, George and Lorraine, on Chloe's Cruiser in port at Little Current.

Turns out, they followed us to Gore Bay this morning to have some repair work done there.  It was nice that we could visit for a few minutes before parting ways.  Chloe was even aboard now, who is the grandchild the boat is named after.

So into the North Channel and we were now encountering a little wind and wave hitting us head on.  I slowed a little and dropped the bow to smooth the ride.

We were soon at Gore Bay and pulled into the gas dock for feed the thirsty Sea Ray and empty the waste tank.  One tank was empty and one was full.

We reversed that condition and headed to our assigned slip at Gore Bay Marina.

It's a sizable marina,

In what has to be about the largest town here in the North Channel.

Of course there's the obligatory LCBO here, but what should we stumble across...

Couldn't believe it...Kathy took me on a 285 mile boat trip to a quilt shop.  She'll do anything to go look at cloth.

So here we are docked in Gore Bay until the winds calm.

Maybe tomorrow...maybe not.


After a gourmet dinner whipped up by the galley slave, we strolled out on the breakwall that protects this end of the bay and the marina from the wind and waves blowing from the north.

Problem is, it's a chin strap kind of wind blowing from the south, so doesn't look too terrible from the backside of the waves.

But the side that's "protected" is a little choppy today.

Got the fingers crossed that we don't need to spend a whole lot of time here, but at least there's a quilt shop to while away the day if that becomes the case.

Time will tell.

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