

I created this blog to document the sights of our boating season
for our family and friends to follow.

Enjoy the tour.

Sunday, July 31, 2016

We had a busy day here in our new port of Manistee.

After a day converting cruiser Play Dough into fisher Play Dough, we hit the water at about 6:00 am to see if we could find some "real" fish.

We got out on the lake and enjoyed a calm day.

That's the kind of water I was hoping to travel on for the past month.  Of course now that I'm "home" the lake lays flat.  Go figure.

The best news was that my fishing turned into catching,,,twice.

This salmon was a hefty 23 1/2 lbs.

Not outstanding fishing, but it's a start.  I had no idea really of where to start here but ended up with a couple nice fish.  I haven't seen this size since leaving Ludington two years ago.

Nice to know I can still catch a salmon.  Like riding a bike...

A freighter entered the channel here this morning before we left the slip.  It made the outbound trip in the afternoon.  It's as close as you can get to a freighter without actually being on it.

The freighter appears at the bridge just upstream from the marina.

Squeezes through one of two drawbridges here on the river.

Passes by the back of our boat within maybe 50 feet.

And continues toward Lake Michigan.

It was interesting to see how maneuverable a big ship like that actually is.

Here is a time lapse of the whole event.

So, all in all, a successful day.

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