

I created this blog to document the sights of our boating season
for our family and friends to follow.

Enjoy the tour.

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

We're back at the helm for the summer season finale.

Brian came to visit and we had some good conditions to search for a fish.  We went out Saturday evening and picked up a nice lake trout off the St. Ignace shore.

Must have been a warm evening.  Can't think of another reason I would have been hatless.  In any case, we trolled north for a while then turned back south where the lead core line took off.

Brian grabbed the rod and coaxed a nice king salmon to the net just before sunset.

We noticed we were over a commercial net at that point, so just retrieved all the lines and motored back to the marina for the night.

It was fortunate that we took that opportunity to get out on the lake.  Sunday morning and the storms were looming to the west of the marina.

We had lunch mid day with Brian at one of our favorite spots and sent him on his way home.

An hour or so later, the skies opened.

It's been like that since.  Off and on wet and wind...mostly on.

On a side note.  The wrapper is coming off the new ferry boat at Shepler's.

It's kind of a big deal around here.  They've been working on getting it ready for the water all summer.  Launch is rumored for Friday.

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