

I created this blog to document the sights of our boating season
for our family and friends to follow.

Enjoy the tour.

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

The weather in the northland continues to be terrible for boating.  More like a perfect opening day for deer season sans the snow...but even snow isn't too far fetched.  It's been wet and cold for a few days.

So, we took a road trip today.  Kathy had never been to the Soo or seen the locks.  I thought that was appalling for a Michigander.  Kind of like a Buckeye that has never visited Cedar Point.  It was time to expand her horizon.

We arrived at the locks where a lake freighter was already being lowered the 21' to the St. Marys River and Lake Huron from Lake Superior.

A short time later the freighter Great Republic approached the lock.

It was lowered and on its way bound for Lake Michigan and Manistee a short time later.

That was the gist of the day trip outside of the obligatory stops at the quilt shops in Sault Ste Marie and lunch at Applebees.

TV reporters were milling around the Shepler marine facility next to the marina this morning when we left.  Seems they launched the new ferry "Miss Margy" this morning while we were away.  I was surprised they could handle that boat with their sling, but guess so.

There's still a little assembly required.  I noticed the array on the radar is missing.

The reports say it will still be a few weeks before it is put into service.

I noticed this mounted on the side of the pilot house.

I'm not real sure exactly what you'd use an axe for on a ferry boat...especially up on the top deck.  I'll wait to see the rust stains creeping down from the steel axe head.

Well, we're promised improved conditions tomorrow.  Maybe actually get to do a little boating.

I won't hold my breath.

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