

I created this blog to document the sights of our boating season
for our family and friends to follow.

Enjoy the tour.

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Well, last weekend was a disaster.  A storm blew (that's an understatement) through and wiped out the DTE electric grid.  We ran on generator power for a day...and we were one of the fortunate ones.

The wind blew so hard, the needles were stripped from the pine trees here.  Of course, it also stripped power lines from poles.  Here's a shot of the top of the neighbors spruce tree.  Most of the needles are gone on the new growth.

But after a record breaking 3" snowfall (made the season total over 94" breaking an 1881 record), spring appears to have arrived at the ranch.

There's actually signs life beginning to appear!

The melting snow left a lawn covered with sticks and debris from numerous winter storms.  So a day in the yard raking and burning got me a pile of ashes...

16 bags of debris to be hauled off...

a blistered hand, sore back, and achy legs.  Winter was not kind to me.  But the hard part is done and I can look forward to all the summer fun.

I visited the boat Friday and completed all the mandatory pre-launch chores.  There is still one more coat of paint that will be applied to the bottom this week.  Still no rush as the northern Michigan climate is still on the cool side.

And that's a good thing because progress on the dresser is slow and that's a generous evaluation of the progress.  But I'm back at it getting all the drawer guides made and glued into the case.  It's a lot of time consuming detail work that has to be done bit by bit.

It's looking like a possible boat launch in about two weeks.  Certainly nothing definite, but about the 2nd weekend of May is looking good at the moment.  Just have to wait and see what Mother Nature has in mind.

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