

I created this blog to document the sights of our boating season
for our family and friends to follow.

Enjoy the tour.

Tuesday, May 8, 2018

After a couple days of coping with a power loss, I got back in an active mode.  I spent a day on the roof of the Minnie and cleaned and polished the fiberglass surface.  That activity nearly killed me.  Spending hours on my knees isn't what I'd call fun but the result was worth the effort.

Not too shabby for a 19 year old vehicle.

So being crippled from that event, I decided the appropriate cure was a morning on the water.  Sunny and calm was the forecast so I thought I'd give the St. Clair river another try.  I had some success.  Here is an action shot...it didn't happen often.

Another walleye in the net.

Kathy was my photographer.  I realize now that I wasn't supposed to be the subject of these pictures.

She was trying to get a shot of the passing freighter.  Me catching a fish just got in her way.

Kathy "caught" on to the river jigging pretty quick and landed her share.  The only problem was... "Honey, I need another minnow on my hook."  Geez, like fishing with a child.  Oh well, what I don't go through to get another license on the boat.

Anyway, we caught a nice mess of walleye today.

I think I like the open lake fishing better.  In the river, it's pretty much walleye or nothing.  In the lake, there's a good shot at catching walleye, perch, smallmouth, pike, muskie or a half dozen other fish.  I'll probably give the lake a try next time I venture that way.